CF of Elizabeth Sunday Teachings

Episode Archive

Episode Archive

266 episodes of CF of Elizabeth Sunday Teachings since the first episode, which aired on January 6th, 2019.

  • "The Way (The Word for 2024)" :: Carlos Cedeño

    December 31st, 2023  |  Season 2023  |  52 mins 6 secs
    the way

    Happy New Year! Today we look forward to 2024 and what the word for our church for the year will be. Pastor Carlos shares that this year we will be looking at "The Way." The Way is what the original followers of Jesus called their faith. We will dive deep into what it means to follow the Way of Jesus through the upcoming year.

  • "Dwelling in Revelation" :: Carlos Cedeño

    December 24th, 2023  |  Season 2023  |  57 mins 38 secs
    christmas, dwell, revelation

    In the book of Revelation, the author writes letters to seven different churches in Asia Minor, giving them instruction and encouragement to deal with the situations they were dealing with, all while asking the question, "What are you doing with the gift that God gave you in Jesus?"

  • Dwelling in 1, 2, & 3 John and Jude" :: Joel Arissó

    December 10th, 2023  |  Season 2023  |  56 mins
    1 john, 2 john, 3 john, doctrine, dwell, epistles, jude, teaching

    In the epistles of John and Jude, the authors encourage the Church to seek out true and reliable teaching and reject false doctrine.

  • "Dwelling in 1 & 2 Peter" :: Carlos Cedeño

    December 3rd, 2023  |  Season 2023  |  47 mins 20 secs
    dwell, suffering

    In the books of 1 & 2 Peter, the apostle describes that suffering is a part of the Christian life and is to be expected. It is not a question of if but of when. Yet, in the midst of suffering, God teaches us lessons on how to be more like him and in tune with what he has for us.

  • "Dwelling in Hebrews and James" :: Debbie Schwartz

    November 26th, 2023  |  Season 2023  |  39 mins 13 secs
    atonement, dwell, epistles, hebrews, james

    In the books of Hebrews and James, we see Jesus portrayed as our High Priest, interceding on our behalf between us and God the Father.

  • "Dwelling in Titus and Philemon" :: Diana Nelson

    November 19th, 2023  |  Season 2023  |  43 mins 35 secs
    dwell, epistles, philemon, scripture, titus, word of god

    In the books of Titus and Philemon, Paul writes to his friends and ministry partners to encourage them as they spread and share the Gospel in their cities and gives advice for issues they are facing.

  • "Dwelling in Timothy" :: Carlos Cedeño

    November 12th, 2023  |  Season 2023  |  47 mins 10 secs
    1 timothy, 2 timothy, dwell, epistles, transformation

    In the books of 1 & 2 Timothy, Paul writes a letter to his student and spiritual son, encouraging him to let God transform him into all he was meant to be rather than just having the appearance of serving.

  • "Dwelling in Thessalonians" :: Eddie Feliciano

    November 5th, 2023  |  Season 2023  |  50 mins 28 secs
    1 thessalonians, 2 thessalonians, dwell, epistles, refined

    In the books of Thessalonians, Paul encourages the Church of Thessalonica to allow themselves to be refined by God in the same way that gold and silver are refined and purified by fire.

  • "Dwelling in Colossians" :: Carlos Cedeño

    October 29th, 2023  |  Season 2023  |  47 mins 25 secs
    colossians, dwell, epistles, grow, seeds

    In the book of Colossians, Paul encourages the Church of Colossi to allow themselves to go through the process of growing to full maturity in their relationship with God, much like a seed being planted and growing.

  • "Dwelling in Philippians" :: Elliott Johnson

    October 22nd, 2023  |  Season 2023  |  55 mins 40 secs
    belief, believe, dwell, epistles, philippians

    In the book of Philippians, Paul writes a letter to the Church in Philippi and encourages them to know and stand firm in what they believe in.

  • "Dwelling in Ephesians" :: Carlos Cedeño

    October 15th, 2023  |  Season 2023  |  59 mins 52 secs
    armor of god, dwell, ephesians, epistles

    In the book of Ephesians, Paul writes a letter to the Church of Ephesus, teaching them how to stand firm in their faith by putting on the full armor of God.

  • "Dwelling in Galatians" :: Eddie Feliciano

    October 8th, 2023  |  Season 2023  |  55 mins 18 secs
    dwell, epistles, galatians

    In the book of Galatians, Paul writes a letter to the Church of Galatia, encouraging them to keep in step and in time with the cadence of God's heart.

  • "Dwelling in 1 & 2 Corinthians" :: Carlos Cedeño

    October 1st, 2023  |  Season 2023  |  56 mins 55 secs
    1 corinthians, 2 corinthians, dwell, epistles, love, marriage

    In Paul's letters to the Corinthians, he encourages them to view the church's relationship with God as that of a bride and groom, full love sacrificial, complete love.

  • "Dwelling in Romans" :: Joel Arissó

    September 24th, 2023  |  Season 2023  |  47 mins 50 secs
    dwell, epistles, holiness, romans

    In the book of Romans, the apostle Paul encourages the people of Rome to live holy lives free of sin in honor of the sacrifice that Jesus made for them on the cross. He encourages them to bond together as a community to love and support and build up each other as they journey through life following Christ.

  • "Dwelling in The Acts of the Apostles" :: Carlos Cedeño

    September 17th, 2023  |  Season 2023  |  57 mins 21 secs
    acts, dwell, filled, holy spirit

    In the book of Acts, Jesus has ascended into heaven and the Church has begun its work on Earth. The early Christians lived their lives filled with the Holy Spirit to accomplish the missing that Jesus laid out for them. And we should desire to be filled in the same way.

  • "Youth Sunday 2023" :: Jesus Torres

    September 10th, 2023  |  Season 2023  |  50 mins 26 secs
    dwell, fear, scriptures, temptation, youth sunday

    The Bridge is in the house! This week is Youth Sunday, and our youth ministry ,The Bridge, has taken over the Sunday morning worship service. Led by Bridge Director Jesus Torres, the youth of The Bridge share how they dwell in the Scripture by explaining what specific Bible verses mean to them and how they have applied it to their own lives.